Steele X Lilly Puppies – 6 weeks old !!!

6 weeks old and waiting for Santa !!

Much of the pups activities this week have included our Christmas preparations so it has been a time of exploring and learning for each of them.  They have all been amused with the Christmas tree and decorations –  and fortunately they are not yet tall enough (and maybe not bold enough) to really be a threat — so the tree has remained intact and the pups have simply enjoyed sniffing at the branches and looking at the sparkling lights and shiny balls.     They have also spent more time outside this week – which they seem to enjoy.  The days have still been quite cold so they usually can’t be out for too long but they enjoying jumping around in the snow and rolling around with each other in the white fluffy flakes.

They continue to spend more time awake but are a gentle and contented bunch and seem to be happy with a few toys and each other to play with – combined with one on one snuggle and cuddle time with visitors, friends or our family.   It is a busy time of year but they just take each day in stride and especially love any individual time we spend with them.   They are getting to the age now where interaction with people is becoming more and more important to them — so we try to make sure everyone gets their fair share of TLC…

The playtime is a bit rougher this week –  usually the boys are the instigators !!  but the girls still hold their ground and don’t seem to mind some of the antics of their brothers.    The girls are weighing in 1-2 pounds smaller than the boys – and females are typically smaller but I think the boys are just being a bit pushier at mealtime so I am going to start giving the girls their own special room service so that they don’t get left out.

They are growing more curious about their environment – but are very gentle in their approach and they investigate new sights and sounds with just the right balance of confidence and inquisitiveness.    They have also learned this week that it is much more fun to tear up the newspaper I leave in their play area overnight than use it for bathroom duties !!    We will be working on that this week 🙂

We look forward to watching their personalities blossom just a little more as we head into the holidays ~ it should be an exciting time for all of us !

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